Sunday meeting
3 p.m. in the lab. Be there or be square.
Sorry I'm just now posting this. It's been a busy thanksgiving an dI didn't get the amount of work done that I needed. My computer memory was full and with my extra hard drive back at campus I couldn't download are you going to do.
Are we still planning to go up to the lab to work tomorrow? At three o'clock? And Rachel, is there anything we still need in terms of photos, etc. for the package?
The Statesman did an A1 feature yesterday about business development in East Austin. The focus of the story is different from ours - it focuses mainly on the changing business climate on the east side and looks at long-established, family owned places as well as some of the newer spots and how some of the older businesses are feeling pressure from rising property taxes.
hey guys, Thankfully being a journalism major has instilled in me the philosophy that "it will get done because it must get done", so I'm not sweating this project too much. I used my new flashy knowledge to put in the slide show at the beginning of the presentation and I plan to come to class tomorrow with a lot done. if you have any ideas for a clip of music that would suit this little opening, please tip me off. it would be nice for me if you could send at least a rough example of what you will have written on your page so that I can start matching photos for your section's slideshow to the point you're trying to make and also figure out what we are lacking so that we can try to get it before it's too late. As painful as it seems, I think we're also going to have to decide on a time to work over the holiday..I'm going to be realistic and say that both Saturday and Sunday I will be working and it would be nice if a few people could be there to help..Oh, and do have the lab key...friend. See you in class..crunch time is here and when the this project is finally over we shall all meet once again at dog and duck for beer.
Russ and I went to the PODER meeting on Tuesday, and what we saw and heard there was surprising in some ways. One interesting thing that a lot of citizens kept bringing up was that they get calls, sometimes harrassing calls, from developers and builders every day. Sometimes multiple times a day. The feeling among a lot of these folks is that these practices are kind of predatory.
Ah the great flash adventure far so good, it's just a bit slow. I'm going to open our show with photos fading in and out, right now I put in some dummies but I figured out you can switch them out later with real photos. If possible I'd like to put music behind them as they fade (image in some blues music, or some harmonica maybe?), but haven't solved that yet. I've got an opening page and a menu bar, I'm using the font gill sans and I'm holding out on a theme color until I see photos. Today I'm going to animate the fades into the opening page and then make on of the menu buttons jump to my history section. I'll set up my page as the first template complete with scroll text and slide show. Hope you guys like the design...I'm keeping it simple.
Hey Emily, I put your jump drive into a mac in the J lab and it told me it had no recognizable files on it. I figured it was a mac/pc issue, but when i took it to a pc at the FAC the computer said it needed to be formatted, which would erase everything in the memory. I'm not sure what's going on but either it's messed up or..I don't know...anyhow..I decided to stop before I do anything that will screw it up. In a nutshell, I don't have your photos. We'll have to burn them on disk.
Wondered if anyone saw the news report last night about the houses that were defaced in East Austin. I can't recall which block it was on, but the houses had rocks thrown through the windows and "not in our hood" spray painted on the front of the unfinished homes. Might be a good picture. The reporter also pointed out a light pole that had the infamous "stop gentrifying east austin" sign on one side and something to the extent of "we want the truth" (in regards to Daniel Rocha) on the other.
I'm having some trouble finding historical pictures of high enough resolutiom and I realize the clock is ticking. I guess I'll make another reluctant stop at the history center and see what they can offer me. Anyone have any good ideas on where else I could look? I have a test tomorrow at 8am, but after that this project is my week..I'm going to stay during lab tomorrow and work on there any way those of you with photos could bring them on a disk or with a website I could pull them off of?
Visited the Austin History Center and, despite the rudeness of their staff, was able to look at the original 1928 City Plan
PODER (an East Austin non-profit, which is Spanish for "to be able to" and also an acronym for People Organized in the Defense of the Earth and Her Resources) will sponsor a housing forum next week "addressing the broken promise of affordable housing." The forum runs from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 15th. More information is available at
Emily and I spent some time on the east side today taking photos. We also talked with a handful of people, who confirmed something that both she and I have been thinking: it might make sense for us to narrow our focus and concentrate on what effects the development at the old Robert Mueller airport will have on the east side community.
Poring over tax records is not the most glamorous part of prepping a story. But hours of data entry and squinting at numbers pay off as the numbers coalesce and begin to tell a story.
Per Rosental's request Tuesday, here's a quick summary of what we've come up with so far and the direction we're headed with our reporting: